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Online booking of all travel transactions increased from 37% to 55% in North America since 2008.

(According to the CWT Travel Management Institute)


We believe that the efficiency, accountability and general ease of booking online contributes to this trend, even if it does not necessary result in savings, but it can, if set up with your company’s travel policy embedded in the program. Both small and large companies alike are focused on reducing their costs through better management and accountability systems in all areas of the business – purchasing, personnel, marketing and sales.

Data generated by our parent, Tzell Travel, based on the Concur platform we recommend to all our clients, show typical savings of:

• 2-5% on domestic air

• 10-40% on international air

• 5-20% on hotels

• 2-10% on car rentals

• 3-5% on unused e-ticket recovery

• 5% on web fares.

Is it any wonder that online booking is growing?

We encourage you to ask us about integrating a full travel management platform like Concur and the tangible benefits and payback it can provide your company.

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